Eindhoven Caucus
Nicole van Harskamp

Nicoline van Harskamp (Netherlands, 1975), finished her sculpture MA at Chelsea College in 1997 and has produced art projects in and outside the UK since. She is a resident artist at the Rijksakademie in Amsterdam in 2006 and 2007. Recent solo exhibitions include 'To Live Outside the Law You Must be Honest' (Casco, Utrecht and Nikolaj CCAC, Copenhagen); 'Supervision' (California Museum of Photography, Riverside) and 'Watchers' (Coleman Project Space, London). Recent group exhibitions include 'Ruby Satellite' (Hyde Park Art Center, Chicago), 'Call me Istanbul' (ZKM, Karlsruhe) and 'On Patrol' (De Appel, Amsterdam). For her series of works on surveillance personnel she was short listed for the Beck's Futures 2004 prize in London. She has been a resident artist at, amongst others, Platform Garanti, Istanbul; Project Studio Büro Friedrich, Berlin; the Christiania Researcher in Residence Program, Copenhagen. Since 1999, she regularly joins a project team for the London-based art and architecture collective Public Works, most recently in Berlin. Nicoline van Harskamp has widely screened and discussed her work, making a point of doing so both inside and outside the context of art. Recent presentations took place at the Architects Association (London), the Libertarian Party of the Netherlands (Den Haag) and Arsenale Art (Poznan).