Eindhoven Caucus
Lucia Babina

Lucia Babina is based in Rotterdam has a first class degree MSc in Modern Arts at the University of Bologna and a Masters Diploma in "International Cultural Management" at the University of Genova. She is a cultural producer and is focused in how culture and arts can affect urban areas and in developing process aimed at producing unexpected visions of the cityscape.
Co-founder and president of the environmental organization iStrike Foundation (www.istrike.net), she is project leader of SUD 2007, a long-term program of cultural activities aimed at transforming the city of Douala (Cameroon) into a case study and Moving in Free Zone, a cross-disciplinary workshop in collaboration with Spacelab/Urban Body of TU Delft in order to trigger a debate on the quarter Charlois (Rotterdam, The Netherlands) and create public awareness amongst its inhabitants.
She is also editing the upcoming publication Douala in Translation, a view of the city of Douala and its creative transforming potentials. In 2006 she took part into the Mobile Academy (www.mobileacademy-warsaw.com) in Warsaw. Since 2005, as member of EFRP (European Festival Research Project), she has been carrying out a research focused on three emerging and successful Italian festivals and the local impact.