Eindhoven Caucus
Teresa Chen

Teresa Chen was born in USA and has degrees in Computer Science (Brown University) and Photography (Zurich University for the Arts). She is currently a doctoral candidate for the Z-Node (www.z-node.net) based at the Zurich University of Arts in collaboration with University of Plymouth. Her research topic has the working title \"Shifting identities\" which examines how pictures (photography, film/video and net art) represent [contested] concepts of identities and ethnicities in a shifting world.
In her artistic practice, Chen visually explores her own cultural background and body. She has been the recipient of several grants and residencies from various Swiss cultural institutions and has exhibited both nationally and internationally.
Chen has also worked professionally as a software developer and has been active in the conceptualization and organization of various exhibition projects: KLINIK: Morphing Systems (self-initiated project in Zurich), GameOver (Museum für Gestaltung in Zurich), sWISH* (Swiss expo. 02 in Biel). She currently serves as president of the board for the Shedhalle, an exhibition and cultural institution in Zurich. She lives and works in Zurich, Switzerland, as an independent visual artist.