Eindhoven Caucus
Alicia Herrero

Visual artist, co-curator/co-editor Magazine in Situ, developer of liPac Laboratory of Investigation in Artistic, Critical and Curatorial Contemporary Practices in CCRRojas UBA (Ricardo Rojas Cultural Centre, Buenos Aires University) and lecturer in CCRRojas and other institutions. She is a graduate of the Fine Art School Prilidiano Pueyrredón (IUNA, Argentina National Art University) and has received scholarships from the Argentina National Art Fund and Antorchas foundation (Barracas Studio).
Her artwork involves installations, videos, drawings, paintings, objects, projects, performances and texts and has been presented in various shows including: MAMBA (Buenos Aires Museum of Modern Art), Argentina; Museo Boijmans van Beauningen, Rotterdam, Holland; Shedhalle, Zurich, Switzerland; NGBK (Neue Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst), Berlin, Germany; MACRO (Rosario Contemporary Art Museum), Argentina; Museo del Chopo, Mexico City; Caribbean Contemporary Center, Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago; Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Posadas, Argentina; Centro Cultural de España Montevideo and Buenos Aires. She had participated in biennials, residences and meetings including the 5th Havana Biennial in Cuba, the 4th Gotenberg Biennial for Contemporary Art Rethinking Dissent Satellite in Sweden and The End of the World Biennial in Ushuaia, Argentina. She undertook residencies in Holland in Studios Duende (2000) and Kaus Australis Rotterdam (2001-02). In 2001 she was invited to participate in the 2nd Big River International in Trinidad and in 2006 to participate in the RIAA (Argentine International Artists' Residencies) in the Frame of Triangle Artists' Workshop, Ostende, Argetina. During 2007 she participated in ERA (Regional Art Encounter) in Montevideo, Uruguay. In 2004 she launched Magazine in situ project in collaboration with various authors, artists and institutions. She writes for magazines including Ramona, Canecalon, magazine of the Universidad de Palermo amongst others.
Since 2003 she has developed epa (open process experiences) in conjunction with courses in CCRRojas, Buenos Aires University.
Her artwork can be found in several public collections including: MAMBA (Museum of Modern Art of Buenos Aires); MACRO (Museum of Contemporary Art, Rosario); Wilfredo Lam Centre, Havana, Cuba; Mendes Centre for Contemporary Art, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and in private collections both in Argentina and abroad.