Eindhoven Caucus
Carla Cruz

Born in 1977, Vila Real. Major in Sculpture by FBA.UP in 2001, and at that moment interested in gender issues and in a more inclusive way of making art, searching for the participation of the audience in my onw work through the tactile sensation. Between 2001 and 2003 I lived in Rotterdam were I attended and concluded the master Program of the Piet Zwart Institute, Willem de Kooning Academy, being these 2 years a turning point to interactive projects and situations where the audience is invited to take an active part.
Since an earlier stage in my practice I have been part and initiate several collectives, such as: Caldeira 213, ZOiNA (feminist collective of artistic intervention), Ateliers-Mentol, Identidades, Clanitica, , Room (Artists run Space, Rotterdam); Working as well in partnership wiht other artists: Isabel Carvalho, Pedro Nora, Catarina Carneiro de Sousa, Ângelo Ferreira de Sousa, Suzanne van Rossenberg, Nina Hoechlt, Jocelyn Cottencin, Karin de Jong, Sabine Funk, Francesco Ventrella, Cláudia Van Dick, Tina Sejberg and Mónica Faria. At the moment I organize the exhibition project and blog All My Independent Women, write regularly about public space on the Blog Porto Público, I belong to the Affinity group Switch Metaphors from the Feminist European Forum and organize the exhibition space for the cultural cooperative Gesto, Porto.